Author: Andrew Matson

January is a big month for making goals and planning goals. Now how do you stay on the path? Eye on The Prize—Keep your goal written down somewhere you will see everyday. Paralyzing Doubt—Stay positive about your goal. Don’t let sneaking self critique bring you down. Is...

When you are doing lots of studying for finals make sure you get up and move around too. Go for a walk outside, run around the block, do some exercise, stand up and stretch. Movement will allow your brain to rest from the intense focus....

The environment you choose to do your studying in matters. It can make studying more difficult and slow OR it can make studying much more effective and efficient. Studying in the same place each time helps your mind get focused quickly. Our environment gives us subconscious...

After all the indulgences of winter break, jumping back into the demands of school and work can be daunting. This time of year can especially be tough for students as they struggle with getting back into routine and looking toward the next few weeks of...

Stress and fear reduce our ability to make thoughtful decisions and moderate our behavior. Through mindfulness we can reduce our stress and anxiety and in turn increase the functioning of our brains, peacefulness of our minds and calmness in our lives. Here are 3 mindfulness apps...

Do you have missing homework? Give yourself the gift of a homework free holiday. Get your work done now. To complete it before vacation, divide the work up into smaller tasks that you can work on over multiple days. Set a goal to be done with...

What is Goal Directed Persistence? It’s the ability to have a goal, complete the goal and not get distracted by other interests. Goal Directed persistence can take charge of all your other executive function skills. For example, if you stink at getting started on tasks but your...

Writing about procrastination is kind of tough because there’s not a one-size-fits-all-fix -it solution for anyone. We try to not do it, we fail, we feel guilty and then we go eat chocolate. This is a viscous cycle that most procrastinators get trapped in.   I’ve procrastinated, I live with...