8 Ways to Make Re-Entry Easier

8 Ways To Make Re-Entry Easier with Sound Academic Coaching

After all the indulgences of winter break, jumping back into the demands of school and work can be daunting. This time of year can especially be tough for students as they struggle with getting back into routine and looking toward the next few weeks of school leading into finals. There is so much to prepare for, but just coming off of all the eating and sleeping and fun of a long winter break can be emotionally and physically difficult.

Don’t underestimate the difficulty of switching gears. Instead be mindful and deliberate about facing the changes and use some tips and tricks to make it all go smoother.

Here are 8 tips for making the return to routine after winter break a little easier:

1.Get enough sleep

2.Eat balanced meals and drink enough water

3.Manage anxiety and worrying with meditation and breathing exercises

4.Limit screen time.

5.Get Organized: Write down all deadlines, events, and commitments.

6.Focus on what you can control.

7.Make time for silence. (Even if it’s only 5 minutes.)

8.Be kind to yourself